


Dandruff Free Hair

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Dandruff Free Hair
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Selsun Blue

Selsun Blue is tough on dandruff and great for hair. It helps treat and prevent dandruff symptoms by targeting your dandruff from the source and thus soothes irritated scalp, fights itch and controls visible flakes.

So, say Goodbye to flakes with Selsun Blue!


Moisturizing Formula

The aloe formula is specially designed for dry scalp and hair. It helps you get rid of your dandruff problems while keeping your hair nourished and moisturized.

Balanced Balanced

This formula is specially made for normal-oily scalp and hair. It helps remove excess oils that may lead to more dandruff formation and leaves hair clean and manageable

Balanced Balanced
Health Matters

Specialized Formula

Selsun Blue 2.5% Extra Strength Shampoo helps reduce and prevent the flaking and itching associated with dandruff. It uses a formula based on 2.5% Selenium Sulfide, a dandruff fighting ingredient that helps reduce and prevent, itching and flaking

Which shampoo is right for you?

Selsun Blue Balanced Formula (Blue Cap Bottle) is for those who have oily-normal hair, whereas Selsun Blue Moisturizing Formula (Yellow Cap Bottle) is for those who have dry scalp and hair. For more information, please consult your dermatologist.

Which shampoo

Dandruff Fun Facts

  • Dandruff is not contagious.

  • Contrary to normal beliefs, people with oily scalp are more prone to dandruff.

  • Not shampooing enough can make your existing dandruff worse.

  • A flaky, itchy scalp does not always mean dandruff.

  • Dandruff affects more than 50% of the population worldwide.


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Selsun Blue Shampoos help eliminate itchy scalp and flakes—without a prescription. Suitable for both men and women, they’re tough on dandruff but gentle on your hair and scalp. When you’re looking for nourished and dandruff-free hair, there’s a type of Selsun Blue product for you.
