


Company Profile

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Company Profile
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The Company was incorporated in 1967, started manufacturing pharmaceuticals and specialty chemicals in 1972 and went public in 1977.

Syed Babar Ali - to this day the Chairman of the Board of Directors- had laid the foundation of the organization as Hoechst Pakistan Limited

The Company went through several changes of identity over the years as a result of global acquisitions, mergers and divestments. The Packages Group had remained the largest minority shareholder from the start while the Ali Gohar Group had a substantial shareholding as well.

In 2023, Sanofi Foreign Participant BV sold its entire shareholding in Sanofi aventis Pakistan limited to an investor consortium, including IGI Investments, and affiliates of Arshad Ali Gohar Group. The consortium effectively acquired controlling interest in the Company and changed the name to Hoechst Pakistan Limited.

Today, Hoechst Pakistan Limited is amongst the leading pharmaceutical companies in Pakistan, with a rich portfolio of effective medicines and treatments, enabling people to overcome health challenges and lead a healthy life.



To become a healthcare leader focused on patients’ needs.

To enhance the quality of life of millions of people by addressing unmet medical needs in the community and promoting access to quality healthcare.


National Tax No. (NTN)


NTN: 0710641-6

Company Registration Number

Traded on

CRN: 0002579

Date: 27 Sep 2023

Pakistan Stock Exchange


Status of the Company

Hoechst Pakistan Limited is a Public Interest Company (PIC)

Details of Associated Companies

Company Information

Board of Directors

Syed Babar Ali Non-Executive Director/ Chairman
Sajjad Iftikhar Chief Executive Officer
Syed Hyder Ali Non-Executive Director
Arshad Ali Gohar Non-Executive Director
Syed Anis Ahmad Shah Independent Director
Imtiaz Ahmed Husain Laliwala Independent Director
Muhammad Salman Burney Non-Executive Director
Saadia Naveed Independent Director
Iqra Sajjad Non-Executive Director

Chief Financial Officer

Yasser Pir Muhammad

Company Secretary

Syed Muhammad Taha Naqvi


M/s. A.F. Ferguson & Co

Legal Advisors

Saadat Yar Khan & Co.                                    Khalid Anwer & Co.
Ghani Law Associates                                      THS & Co.

Registrars & Share Transfer Office

FAMCO Share Registration Services (Pvt) Limited

Address: 8-F, Near Hotel Faran, Nursery, Block-6, P.E.C.H.S, Shahra-e-Faisal, Karachi.

Tel: 021-34380101-5, 021-34384621-3

Email: info.shares@famcosrs.com

Website: www.famcosrs.com


Allied Bank Limited
Bank Al Habib Limited
Deutsche Bank AG
Habib Bank Limited
Habib Metropolitan Bank Limited
JS Bank Limited
MCB Bank Limited
National Bank of Pakistan
Standard Chartered (Pakistan) Limited

Postal Address

Plot 23, Sector 22, Korangi Industrial Area,
P.O. Box No. 4962, Karachi - 74900


Tel: +92 21 35060221-35
Email: company.secretary@hoechst.com.pk